


Final Year Project Technical Paper Briefing

  • To produce a complete informative regarding project in the FYP Technical Paper.
  • To include all the information regarding project in the FYP Technical Paper.

Content/ Procedure:
In this technical paper, it should include:
a.       Title project
b.       Name, ID number and course
c.       Supervisor’s name
d.       Objectives
e.       Project description
f.        Methodology
g.       Flowchart
h.       Results
i.         Conclusion
j.         References

Result and Analysis:
  • First, to select a template which had been provided by UniKL BMI.
  • Then, produce an abstract for the technical paper.
  • Adding all the information needed in the FYP techncal paper.
  • Checking the grammar and content stated in the technical paper respectively


Title: Final briefing of FYP 2

  • to be brief on the project demonstration
  • to be brief on the full report compilation


In this briefing, student briefed on the objective stated earlier. The talk focusing on how students need to professionally present and demonstrate their prototype during the Industrial day. Few tips are given which are dressing code, training to talk in front of mirror and etc. Apart from that, students are also briefed on how to complete their full report of their FYP 2. Some tips are also given and the template of the report are given via link from the fyp website. The template given are used to print the report in hardcover. Students are required to follow exactly to the template in order to avoid any error in the formatting and others problem.

After the briefing, students are dismissed. The student continues to preparing and testing their prototype for the industry day ahead.